My Planet is a company based in Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
Yekaterinburg is the capital of the Urals region of Russia with the population of 1,3 mln people.
We are the company working with individual tourists, corporate groups, business travellers as well as delegations. It will be our great pleasure to provide you with the full range services in Russia and in this city: visa support, accommodation, transfers and sightseeing tours.
We are ready to help you whatever the purpose of your visit might be: business travel, conference or exhibition, incentive travel, sporting holiday or private travel.
The fundamental objective of our company is promotion, up-grading and development of the tourist services by grouping together the diverse demands while respecting their individual structures and objectives.
Just call us or send us an e-mail and we shall contact you at our soonest possibility.
Yours sincerely,
My Planet LTD
Office 514, 36 Engels Str, 620026 Yekaterinburg, Russia
Tel/fax: + 7(343) 278-96-80, 253-21-31